After working with people with uncontrolled diabetes for years, I noticed a few common mistakes my patients were making which was preventing them from the health they were longing for.
Once aware, they finally saw results were transformational including controlled blood sugars, weight loss, lower cholesterol, and more energy.
Want to know more????
I’m going to share those mistakes today.
1. Not sleeping enough.
Research shows that not getting enough sleep (less than 6 hours) for even 4-5 days, decreases insulin sensitivity by 25-30%.
Translation: You can get prediabetes or worsen Type 2 diabetes by not getting enough sleep because insulin (the hormone in your body which helps direct sugar) is not as helpful.
Ever crave bagels or donuts after a night of not resting? Your cravings for sugary and/or highly processed foods increases because your body is looking for a quick source of energy.
Bottom line: Go to bed and sleep 7-9 hours per night.
2. Not moving your body for 30 minutes daily.
Insulin sensitivity increases in our muscles when we do activity like walking. In fact, studies show that even walking as little as two minutes after a meal, can help bring down blood sugars.
No fancy gym equipment needed. Just walk…or dance…or do yoga…doesn’t matter, just move that body.
Can’t do all 30 minutes at once? No problem! Break it down throughout the day. You receive the same health benefits whether you do it at once or do smaller sections (like three 10-minute sessions).
3. Eating processed food that is labeled as “healthy” or “keto” or “sugar-free”.
Well the bag says it is healthy! Sadly, these foods are not fully transparent about how “healthy” they are.
Many of these foods do not taste as good as their unhealthy counterparts and are misleading because they can still increase your blood sugars and your waistline.
If you look at the ingredient list, chances are, you won’t be able to pronounce half the items. Not only that, but your body reacts to not receiving the real thing. For example, eating artificial sugar causes the gut to signal to the brain to “eat more” because the gut is unable to find the sugar. Turns out your ability to taste the sugar on your tongue doesn’t trick your body into thinking it received sugar. As a result, you may eat more! (More on sugar here)
Keto cookies and processed foods should be eaten in moderation because they are usually highly processed and may have similar, if not the same, effects as their “unhealthy” counterparts. That “carb-friendly” tortilla isn’t really any better for you than the regular one. So just enjoy the regular one but in a small portion.
4. Not knowing when you are hungry.
This seems fairly simple, but many of us eat when we are not hungry. Several of us have overridden our hungry cues after years of being apart of the “clean plate club”, not wanting to waste food (I feel guilty because people are going hungry around the world), feeling like we may never get to eat certain food again (girl scout cookies are only sold once a year), or just eating out of habit (having popcorn while watching a movie).
The problem with this is that our body lets us know when it is full and no longer needing food. Paying attention to this when we eat makes a huge difference not only with our blood sugars, but with our weight. You will find yourself less sluggish, with more mental clarity and less brain fog, and more energy. (If you want personalized help with this, feel free to reach out here)
There you have it!! After do these 4 things, watch your blood sugars stabilize and your weight drop in 3 months or less! As a bonus, you will feel more energized, and your mood will improve!
Let me know how it goes or reach out if you want more help, tips, and tricks!